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Lustra Luxe Designs LLC

Salvator Mundi - Leonardo da Vinci 1500

Salvator Mundi - Leonardo da Vinci 1500

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"Salvator Mundi," which translates to "Savior of the World," is one of Leonardo da Vinci's most discussed and debated paintings, especially due to its recent rediscovery, restoration, and record-breaking sale price at auction.

Key features and elements of the painting:

  1. Subject: The painting depicts Christ as the "Savior of the World," holding a crystal orb in his left hand while raising his right hand in a gesture of benediction.

  2. Facial Expression: Consistent with Leonardo's other portraits, Christ's face is rendered with soft transitions between light and shadow (using the sfumato technique), producing an enigmatic and serene expression.

  3. The Orb: The crystal orb Christ holds is devoid of magnification or distortion, which a real crystal ball would produce. This has been a topic of discussion among art historians and scientists. Some believe Leonardo intentionally depicted it this way to showcase the orb's heavenly nature, while others speculate it might be a choice rooted in artistic expression rather than optical accuracy.

  4. Blessing Hand: Christ's raised right hand is shown in a gesture of blessing, further emphasizing his divine nature.

  5. Detailing: The intricate detailing of the curls of Christ's hair and the folds of his blue robe showcase Leonardo's characteristic precision and understanding of texture and light.

  6. Backdrop: The background of the painting is dark, highlighting the figure of Christ and giving it an ethereal glow. This choice contrasts the figure against the dark backdrop, making it the central and most captivating element of the painting.

  7. Provenance and Restoration: The painting's history is filled with gaps, and its provenance has been a matter of intense research and debate. For a long time, "Salvator Mundi" was lost to history and later rediscovered in a compromised condition. It underwent extensive restoration, and there has been significant debate among experts about the extent of Leonardo's hand in the current version of the painting.

  8. Record-Breaking Sale: In 2017, "Salvator Mundi" was auctioned at Christie's and sold for a staggering $450.3 million, making it the most expensive artwork ever sold at auction at that time.

There has been extensive debate and investigation into the authenticity of "Salvator Mundi" as a work by Leonardo da Vinci himself, with some experts suggesting that while Leonardo may have been involved, his students or followers might have had a hand in its creation as well. Regardless of its disputed origins, the painting remains one of the most intriguing and valuable artworks in the world.

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